Reading Time: 2minutes In the past I’ve run into unexpected cruddy behavior and found myself asking, “What in the world do I do now, and how can I make it as painful for them as possible?”
Reading Time: 2minutes When communicating with someone else, style and tone affect information delivery. As the saying goes, “You can be right, but wrong at the top of your voice.” In essence, when communicating with someone else, the person doing the talking/writing needs to construct their wording in such a way that the receiver accurately processes the information. Failure to do this is known in business English as incompetent communication, because valuable information was…
Reading Time: < 1minute Sometimes people feel that it’s ok to be harsh toward others. A common line you might have heard or said is, “The truth hurts, deal with it.” In the same way, we can sometimes be very rough with a person who has some sin in his/her life. “Don’t you know that you…” and the lecture begins. I’ve come to realize that people are pretty smart. Often they know in their…