People say that I’m fun to talk to, and that’s how I know they’re fibbing.
Feel free to contact me with questions, comments, critiques, criticisms, and general hate mail. I might respond to you.
No, I won’t tell you all of my fishing locations. Maybe.
God bless,

PS-You can address your complaints via my complaint form located here. My full-time complaint clerk can be contacted at this link, though she only works 7-4 CST. She addresses complaints in the order in which she receives them, and I only pay her 7.95/hr, so she’s not really cheerful. She’s also running a B&B to make some extra scratch, so her punctuality is hit or miss.
Thanks for taking the time to record your adventures. I live in Basin WY and this has helped me plan my next hikes!
Hello Lori! I used to drive through Basin quite a lot when I worked on the railroad, and it was a cute little town! You’re blessed to live so close to the Bighorns. I haven’t put any reviews up yet, but your mountains also have great nordic tracks, so I need to make notes on them, too. 🙂
Thank you for the kindness! I hope that you and yours are doing well as Wyoming marches steadily into fall.