Communicating with Christians
Reading Time: 2 minutesCommunication is the lifeblood of relationships. Do you know what a “phatic” communication is?
Reading Time: 2 minutesCommunication is the lifeblood of relationships. Do you know what a “phatic” communication is?
Reading Time: 5 minutesWorship, service, and the purpose of assembling with your battle buddies are often all misunderstood.
So is assembling with the saints even worth it?
Reading Time: 2 minutesAre you good at following the law? Or are you an evil, law-breakin’ good-fer-nuthin’ lout? Imagine: You land in the beautiful, French island of Martinique and proceed to immigration. They stamp your international driver permit, but tell you that you’ll also need to get a local permit for €5.00, as well a read a short list of rules for driving on the island. The rules are simple and nothing that…
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s important that we have not only good reasoning, but sound logic. Christians are often accused, and sometimes correctly, of being brain-drained folks who, at times, don’t even know why they believe what they believe. When that’s true, it limits our ability to influence people, and leads to a populace that is increasingly one of darkness. Logic is the fundamental rules that we apply to reasoning to “reason from A…
Reading Time: 2 minutesKent West writes the following article. If you’d like to see more of his thoughts, visit You would not use the word “baptize” in an unscriptural manner, to mean “sprinkle”. Neither should you use the word “worship” in an unscriptural manner, which most of us have done all of our lives. “Worship” simply means “to bow in submission”. It does not mean “sing”; it does not mean “pray”; it…
Reading Time: 2 minutes I listen to a variety of podcasts, including ones which are highly secular. One podcast in particular features two people who join various religions and test out pseudo-scientific remedies, and then report back on their experiences. They’re atheists, and while I find that many of their metaphysical assumptions are poorly thought out, I’m always curious to hear such viewpoints. In Christianity, I’ve noticed that “worship” is an incredibly nebulous topic,…
Reading Time: 13 minutesIn this post: ➤Introduction: The Use of “Worship” We are searching for the truth of the word and meaning of what Jesus said in: Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. “But an hour is…
Reading Time: 6 minutesIn this post: Learning about Worship I was talking with a man today about the term “worship.” He had determined that “New Testament worship” must be a set number of physical actions that one must complete at a certain time of week, and one must be careful to do so correctly. It seemed quite persuasive. Here’s what he said: “Many Bible passages make it clear that not everything that we…
Reading Time: 21 minutesI recently saw some people talking about whether or not it’s a sin to talk with someone visiting the assembly during “the worship.” For many, “coming to worship on Sunday” is important, but is it at all what is described in the New Testament? What, exactly, is “worship?” Does the New Testament even mention a “worship service?” Turns out, it doesn’t! What’s going on here?