Democrats Complain that SOTU Address Lacked Hans Zimmer Score

Democrats Complain that SOTU Address Lacked Hans Zimmer Score

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Washington, DC—President Trump’s State of the Union Address. He promoted somebody to General. He awarded the Medal of Freedom to a beleaguered, old man. He awarded a scholarship to someone beyond deserving. He reunited a family. He vowed never to forget a daughter killed by ISIS.

But Democrats have pointed out rightly that it wasn’t very presidential. After ripping up the speech, Nany Pelosi was seen screeching that it might have been an impressive address, but on the other hand, was possibly the worst she’s seen in her 97 years serving the country:

“All the, uh, dramatics are wasted. Not even a score for such memorable events, huh? Where’s Howard Shore? Hans Zimmer? What a snore. This president is a sham, and I hope he burns in hell. And I also pray earnestly for him every day, and this country.”

Pelosi and her delegation were last seen leaving the building en route to the Smithsonian, where she plans to spit on the Constitution for being “really dry.”

Trump says that for next year’s SOTU, he plans to feed five thousand, heal the lame, make a blind man see, and cast Legion out of the Speaker of the House.

Share your comments, critiques, or criticisms here. [Please note that I alter most the hate comments to make them funnier for the other readers.]