Podcast on Divorce: Discussion 1 and 2

Podcast on Divorce: Discussion 1 and 2

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Divorce 1 and 2 Discussion

Divorce 1 and 2 Discussion—You can probably skip to the 38-minute mark if you want to get straight to the real setup for the coming class, as the first discussion is much abbreviated for privacy. However, if you’d like to listen to both discussion portions, the 1st portion is about:

-Historical church views of divorce.
-Old Covenant reasons for which divorce was allowed.
-A brief look at what unfaithfulness in marriage entailed.

The 2nd portion contains:

-Jewish history and some funny news stories.
-A brief glimpse into Biblical terminology surrounding divorce.
-A look at ancient Near East laws about divorce and widowhood.
-Examination of societal impacts of divorce.
-And overall preps us to move into an examination of New Covenant writings with a better understanding of cultural and Biblical context.

Share your comments, critiques, or criticisms here. [Please note that I alter most the hate comments to make them funnier for the other readers.]