Family Without Blood
- “The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal.” —C.S. Lewis, Weight of Glory
When people see a group of saints who are truly loving, caring family despite having no relationship by blood, it is truly a shining light in a dark world. The world is so fractured that even blood families hate each other, tearing at one another over Thanksgiving meals, and becoming estranged. When a family exists outside of even that realm, it’s a blessing and a beauty to behold.
- “The mark of Friendship is not that help will be given when the pinch comes (of course it will) but that, having been given, it makes no difference at all.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
- “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” —Jesus
And on thinking of the above, I was reminded of the phrase, “going to church.” AKA, “the phrase that you’ll never find in the Bible.” But the concept of Christians getting together routinely is all around—an assembling together. A family.
This family gets together often. It’s a social activity, a culture that isn’t pervaded by the evil in the world.
This “going to church” should not be about an attendance roster unto salvation based on the percentage of absences. It should not be about finding the best band around. What is the point? Not the goal merely for the Christians themselves, but the ultimate goal? God says that the entire reason that Christian teachers exist is for
- “the equipping of the saints for the work of service.” (Eph 4)
The entire point of the assembling together of this alternative lifestyle is for
- “the building up.” (1 Corinthians 14)
If we as Christians are “going to church” just to “keep ourselves saved,” or to “feel better about ourselves,” or to “hear the best band,” we are failing as Christians. If we, as Christians, are not helping those around us—in distress, in sadness, in poverty—then we are failing as Christians. If our assemblies are not teaching us to actually change this world with service and integrity of conviction about our beliefs, then we are failing as Christians. If our assemblies are not families, we’re missing out on the gift of Christianity.
“Going to church” should be about improving ourselves, yes, so that we may learn this work of becoming servants. I should be rightfully ashamed when the person who doesn’t “go to church” serves the oppressed more than I do—and I have been, and am continuing to correct and grow.
- “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (Matthew 20)
Ministering to others is what helps perfect us. It is what helps change our character. And it is what helps convict us. Assembling together should encourage us to go out into the world as a strong, unyielding force for good.
So what should church look like? How should we feel? Well, like it’s a family reunion.
With love! Let me know if I can serve you.