Uh-Oh, Biden: Historians Discover that CornPop Wouldn’t Have Voted for Joe, Wasn’t Black

Uh-Oh, Biden: Historians Discover that CornPop Wouldn’t Have Voted for Joe, Wasn’t Black

Reading Time: < 1 minute
  • Joe Biden recounts his encounter with pool Kraken Corn Pop.

Candidate Joe Biden’s odd story about getting into a chain-fight with bad-boy pool Kraken CornPop came under fire today. Historians discovered that Corn Pop was a real bad dude for sure, but he just wasn’t black, as he left a journal which contained a scrawled note,

Joey B, screw that guy, I aint never votin for him!

Biden himself confirmed “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black,” which shockingly has pointed to CornPop having been either a white colonialist, or more favorably, a pioneering transracial identitist. Either way, Biden fibbed! Oopsie!

Talking with CNN’s Don Lemon, Biden tried to soften the blow to his credibility by saying, “Don, hey-hey my [redacted], you know I’ve just been foolin’ around with some jive talk! Lookit, honkey’s your uncle!”

Liberals have quickly embraced Biden’s rebuttal to the CornPop story as being perhaps the bravest, most visionary thing they’ve ever seen. Anyone who thinks otherwise is obviously a racist.

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