People Not Sure Why We’re Not Using Dirty Bombs for Social Justice Yet

Violence in protests is a symptom. Treat the underlying cause, don’t whine that property is being damaged. After centuries of systemic racism, we should be thrilled at how relatively peaceful the protests are. If you ask me, anything short of a dirty bomb really isn’t going far enough.
It’s just like the Boston Tea party, where people discarded tea into an ocean. Yes, looting and burning down businesses, including of minorities, for social justice, is no different than that.
It’s just like the Civil War, where people fought to end slavery and some to protect the notion of Federalism. Yes, looting and burning down businesses, including of minorities, for social justice, is no different than that.
It’s just like the suffragettes, where people were disenfranchised, unlike they are now. Yes, looting and burning down businesses, including of minorities, for social justice, is no different than that.
You see, there’s no difference, and we all need to support, rationalize, and uphold the malfeasance of a few for the good of the many. I know, I know, historically in matters of race relations, peaceful demonstrations which expose the brutality of the system work far better than violence, but now isn’t the time for that. We need to be encouraging the smashing and looting and setting of fires.
It makes sense, really. When lives are taken, remember: you sowed the wind, so you’re reaping the whirlwind. I no longer understand why people were complaining about abortion clinics being bombed, not after having the above realizations. The violence is just a symptom. When your voice isn’t heard when trying to uphold your view of justice, it’s time to start destroying things.
It’s important that we now go from BlackLivesMatter to BlackPolicyMatters. It’s important that we bring some unrighteous discredit upon a righteous movement. Let’s ignore how much power we’ve given government to rule over us, how 2% of the bad population creates 50% of the complaints with impunity, and everything we know about the statistics of race relations and how to improve them. Who cares about science or data?
As long as it’s not my shop or my home being looted or burned, I’m all for it. And if a little violence is good, maybe nothing short of a dirty bomb is the real solution. Send me your address, and I’ll be there in solidarity with a little critical, social justice. I’m eager to help.