Bird Box Monsters That Cause You to Suicide Yourself Revealed to Just be The Clintons

The creators of the sci-fi horror flick, “The Bird Box,” have announced a sequel to the acclaimed movie, but this time you’ll be able to get a good look at the monsters.
“We wanted to reveal the secret twist in the second movie,” said Jack Dempsey, one of the writers. “All the monsters making you kill yourself? Actually much scarier than you thought: it’s Bill and Hillary.”
The sequel will reveal how the presidential couple got a taste of blood in their younger days, and how it grew until it was wildly out of control. Billionaires in jail cells, Syrian women and children—they found out that they really liked killing, but getting you to suicide yourself was the tastiest treat.
“We wanted to create a sense of impending, inevitable doom,” Dempsey said. “And what better way than to focus on the most horrifying thing of all: you’ve ticked off the Clintons and you know it. How many days do you have left? Will you hang yourself while the security guards are gone and the cameras are malfunctioning? Will you shoot yourself in the back of the head? They’re the world’s most creative monsters and terrifyingly efficient.”