Feeling Frantic Desperation in a Perilous Era
You’ve felt it at some point: a frantic desperation. Your life is so stressful, and you just want SOMEONE to be there, someone to help you bear the burden, someone to say, “Hey, talk to me, I want to help you.”
You’ve wanted someone that you could hold tight, to feel less alone, to just breathe a sigh of relief with, or you’ve wanted someone to hold you, to say to you, “Don’t worry, WE’VE got this. It’s going to be alright.”
You’ve been in a room alone with just the silence, just the stress, just the worry, just you. You feel the anxiety—why do you keep feeling your heart beat funny? Are these arrhythmias kicking your heart around in your chest something to be worried about? You can only be worried about so much, but you keep feeling them, even when you think you’re calm.
Some part of your being—your very soul—has in that moment cried out for some constant companion, and you haven’t even been sure why.
God said of you, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” (Gen 1:26)
Us…God made you to not be alone, but rather united with others, just like the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. As God has never been alone, neither should you be. God’s plan for you is to be supported, not alone.
God has a plan for your life and His plans are always good, so take heart. Remain strong. He has set His people on a mission to carry each other’s burdens, and in this way fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal 6:2)
Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for loving Jesus and showing Jesus to the world through your actions. Stay focused, strong, and courageous. In the most trying times, don’t lose focus on your spiritual health—if you don’t have someone there to help you get spiritually fit, reach out. From spiritual health flows emotional health, and with those two sealed, physical health can also be improved: you’ll feel good enough to go running, secure enough to stay in shape. The fatigue and dullness of mind; the lassitude malaise, they’ll be vanquished.
Be willing to reach out to me or others. We are in this together and I am thankful for you. God is there for you, and I am there for you.
I love you, and God loves you.
One thought on “Feeling Frantic Desperation in a Perilous Era”
I am thankful for you too!!!