Looking Back Can Kill You
Do you have lots of regrets? Do you look back on past relationships, actions, or feelings, wishing that you could JUST do it different? Sometimes that consumes people!
John Landy and Roger Bannister broke the miracle mile (sub 4’00”) around the same time (header image). When they raced against each other, the eyes of the world were looking. Right before the finish, Landy looked back over his shoulder to see where the competition was.In that fraction of a second, Bannister was able to pass him and win. Vancouver erected a bronze statue immortalizing the moment, prompting Landy to remark,
‘Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back. I’m the first person to be turned into bronze.’
Looking back slows you down. Looking back can kill you. So don’t.
Paul accurately observed, “I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.” (Phil 3:13) Don’t slow down for the past; rush toward a ferocious finish!
With love, always,
