YouTube Launches New Online Learning Platform, Offers Doctorate of Official Narrative

Worldwide—Online video-sharing platform megagiant YouTube has launched a new online learning platform to critical acclaim. The platform, called YouTube Academia, and also AcademiaTube, is being hailed as the next great step in education and was instantly accredited as an official institution of higher learning.
So far the institution only offers PhDs, including a Doctorate of Official Narrative and a Doctorate of Liberty Suppression. The courses can be completed in under 8 hours, but teach people how to quickly suss out what sort of videos should and shouldn’t be viewed by the public at large, how to ban people in online platforms, and how to be maximally condescending.
YouTube Academia aims to also be granted the power to strip doctorates from individuals who go against the grain, no matter where they happen to have received their education. Swedish epidemiologists are all scheduled to have their doctorates revoked tomorrow.
Mark Zuckerberg has received honorary doctorates in both of the above courses.