In Your Moment of Despair, Here’s Why I Know You’re Important
Have you ever felt beaten down? Felt like the non-stop waves of defeat and distress have just crushed out hope? Sometimes it feels like the lighthouse of hope has been swallowed up by the sea of despair. Maybe you’ve staggered on because the only other option is not even tenable, but you feel as if light has been totally extenguished from your life.
I’ve felt that at times. It’s a horrific feeling: I might know that I can’t say that the past dictates my future, but it sure feels like it does. There’s good news: God knows how you feel. When your soul cries out, “Maranatha,” and you want life to be over and to be reunited with God, rather than staggering forward in such a bleak existence. Jesus knew this pain you feel intimately. This world is not easy, and He saw that:
“Then Jesus went to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.
Matthew 9:35-38 HCSB
When he saw the crowds, HE FELT COMPASSION FOR THEM, BECAUSE THEY WERE WEARY AND WORN OUT, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
God knows that you have been worn out, and that slowly you’ve felt like hope has been extinguished. Not all at once, but in a way that makes you weary and beaten down, like a rock pummeled into sand by the relentless rage of the sea.
A friend told me something, though, in a time of my own despair. I had been speaking to this person who loved me about how my future seemed so pathetic, but I was quick to say, “I have no suicidal ideation, but it’s a real struggle to see how I hold much value for anyone. I know that I can’t just lay down and die, but I can’t say that I’m exactly afraid of going home right now.”
My friend listened to my distress and responded,
“Lucas, I know you’re very important, and not just to me. You’re important to God. Incredibly important. So important, that God made the entirety of time to lead up to you.”
I’d never thought of that. God made the entirety of everything—all matter, all space, all time—to lead up to me. And he did the same thing for you. That’s incredibly valuable.
I know that you must be important, because God told me to love you. In fact, He created all of time to lead up to this moment where we know one another. And if you are feeling beaten down, I know that I’m not exactly the world’s most lovable man, or very good with emotions, but I want to be there for you, as my friend was there for me. Remember that Paul wrote, “God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” (—2 Corinthians 7:6)
God gets your anguish. Jesus understands it deeply. He has help for you, and that help is found in other people, and in prayer. When you feel so tired of life that you can only cry and give voiceless screams into your shower, God understands. Pray. You might not do it well, but pray:
{For the} Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words. —Romans 8:26
So now is the time. Reach out. Go camping with me or a friend—I’m always begging people to go, and I have all the gear you’d need. Do something exciting with friends! Goodness, I’d love to kayak and fish with more people. Find out how much fun people have with you, and what an improvement it is that you’re around. And find someone to pray with! Do it together, even if you’re not good at it.
God made all of time to lead up to us knowing each other. It’s the most humbling thing I can imagine.
Let me know if I can serve you,