Roller Coasters and Life

I love roller coasters and have a particular fondness for ones made by the Swiss company Bolliger & Mabillard. Through the ups and downs of the run, I’m able to have fun because much thought went into the design, and I know I’m going to be safe in the end.
The ups and downs of life are also much easier for me knowing that I’m following a design made by God, with an ultimate purpose and goal. From highs to lows, and even when it gets rattily, I’m able to have confidence. If there were no design to life, no further meaning, and no transcendent reality on which to anchor morality and meaning, the entire run would be pretty disconcerting to me—and, of course, in the end quite meaningless.
I consider myself blessed to be able to stumble and bumble through the ride of life, knowing that God works with my decisions and those of others to achieve ultimate good. (Even when I bungle things.)
“Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail.” —Proverbs 19:21