Should You Behead Those Who Insult You?
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the past I’ve run into unexpected cruddy behavior and found myself asking, “What in the world do I do now, and how can I make it as painful for them as possible?”
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the past I’ve run into unexpected cruddy behavior and found myself asking, “What in the world do I do now, and how can I make it as painful for them as possible?”
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere’s always something that’s most important.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteBe careful of how you spread the good news! “If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.” (1 Cor 13:2-3) If we “win” someone to an angry, belligerent “gospel,” we’ve not…
Reading Time: 4 minutesA disturbing trend I’ve noticed—especially online—is the decision to be neither charitable nor kind. It is instead replaced by a fervent love of anger and hostility. I hope that I’m not that way often, and please message me if I am; I promise I won’t bite. You see, I read a review of a movie recently, and in it, one cop said with some concern to another, “It’s not healthy…
Reading Time: 2 minutesPeople can be pretty mean to each other when they think they’re right and someone else is wrong. Famous atheist Richard Dawkins once said of religious yokels, “Don’t interact with their arguments, instead mock them, ridicule them, in public … with contempt.” Sadly, religious people can be pretty good about doing that to one another. I used to become upset when a Christian would call me a damnable heretic or…
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve been working with a man over here who is perhaps the most positive, thoughtful, kind guy I’ve ever met. In my head, I call him “Good Barry!” He’s already retired early with a big paycheck, but works here to make some extra money, and he is very focused on giving back what he’s earned. Furthermore, his wife is from Kyrgyzstan, where he has now relocated. He loves not only…
Reading Time: 2 minutesIllegal immigration is a tough subject economically, and, I believe, morally. As it’s often pointed out, people don’t want to do many menial tasks, and illegal immigrants provide us with an excellent labor class. Yet in some ways, this is unfair to both sides, as it fails to integrate the immigrant. Without getting too much into the history of immigrants, macroeconomics, and the current state of affairs, I’d like to offer…