Cheetah Identifying as Human Female Dominates Women’s 400m
Reading Time: 2 minutes In the past, society was been intolerant and bigoted, but this sprint was proof that equity was coming to all women, no matter how furry and fanged they might be.
Reading Time: 2 minutes In the past, society was been intolerant and bigoted, but this sprint was proof that equity was coming to all women, no matter how furry and fanged they might be.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Thanks to the events of the recent past, many people have been putting a huge emphasis on avoiding people who seem ill. They want to avoid contagion, so unless they’re healthcare workers, they don’t spend all day around sick people.
Reading Time: 2 minutes There’s no hoax worse than heterosexuality. Well, except for claiming that there’s a ‘cis’ in ‘team.’
Reading Time: 2 minutes Elizabeth Warren, falling in popularity with the woke, recently took a vision quest into their hearts and minds and discovered an undeniable truth.
Reading Time: < 1 minute He requested that people not dead-name him, and is now running under the name “Aaren Whiz Elbert,” a nod to his genius plans. Out of respect for his tribal ancestry, he has indicated that he is more two-spirit (2S+) than transman, though “whatever wins the nomination works for me.”
Reading Time: 3 minutes Yes, vagina can be used, but it’s to be used for people who have had surgery to make it. It doesn’t exist in nature. You can’t just find a vagina out in the wild.
Reading Time: 4 minutes A new law in California is having surprising effects. In September of 2018, the governor of California signed into effect a gender diversity bill, which mandates that any corporate board in the state have at least one female board member. Further, beginning in July 2021, the bill requires a minimum of two women directors on boards with five directors and at least three women on boards with six or more…