Trump Promised to Pay Off $19 Trillion Debt in 8 Years, Only $26.4 Trillion Left to Go!

Washington, DC—President Trump wooed conservatives with promises to pay off the $19 trillion national debt in only eight years, and good news—only $26.4 trillion left to go! It’s a darn sight better than that rotten Obummer did with his 8 years, that’s for sure!
“I’ve saved the great, great American people so much money,” Trump said. “We are winning, big league. Look, look, I have been combatting the debt very strongly. I have literally, and you can ask anyone, literally gotten rid of negative 7.4 trillion dollars of debt in under 4 years. That’s like, a really big number.”
Strangely, the Democrats are all for Trump’s war against the debt, and have suggested that he immediately get rid of another -3 trillion dollars of debt with the HEROES act.
When asked on his thoughts about the difference in 19 and 26, presidential candidate Joe Biden said, “Any age is fine, but the hair, I tell ya, no malarkey, it’s the hair, the thing…uh, uh. What was I saying? The hair? Longer on the young ones.”