White House Calls for Social Media Crackdown on Misinformation Until It Becomes Truth 6 Months Later

Washington, DC–White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has called for a private business crackdown on misinformation, which she said is tentatively, “Whatever we say it is.”
Specifically, the Press Secretary targeted Joe Rogan, infamous for eating horse dewormer by the trough-full, to be removed by Spotify.
“This centaur is spouting off misinformation on a daily basis, and it’s time that Spotify used their status as a private company to remove him from the face of the planet. No holds barred. There are still killers for hire, and we’ll look the other way,” Psaki told reporters.
She went on to explain that Mr. Rogan is spouting off deadly misinformation–which can get people killed–6 months before it becomes clearly established fact.
“Rogan won’t follow the settled, quickly-evolving science,” said Psaki. “He’s a clear and present danger, and given that 500 liters of horse de-wormer didn’t stop him, and even CNN has fallen by his terrible hand, it’s time for Spotify to step up to the plate.”
She then spat in the face of Peter Doocy before walking offstage.