Nervous: Biden Says Trump Not Responding Well to Breakbone Fever Epidemic

Nervous: Biden Says Trump Not Responding Well to Breakbone Fever Epidemic

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Joe Biden, now a clear frontrunner for the Democrats, strongly rebuked President Donald Trump today for his handling of the virus outbreak from China. 

The 78 year-old former vice president said in extemporaneous remarks,

“Listen here, listen! The current president, Ronald—I mean Donald Trump, he is not responding to this epidemic! Do you want to get the breakbone fever? I don’t want the breakbone fever! Listen, I’ve been serving this country for a hot minute. I remember the Spanish Flu, maybe you’ve forgot!  It was real bad, I tell ya! Even Corn Pop almost died from it, and he was real tough, a real bad boy.”

Exiting the stage in his home state of Delaware, Mr. Biden refused to shake any hands, citing his worries about “getting the consumption.”  

While the former vice president has been under pressure to release his medical records, he has so far refused, reminding people that all of his family has been healthy, save for a little advanced dementia. 

Biden says that his only personal medical concern is getting leprosy, which his father died of in 1907, though the Biden family attributes that to a “batch of bad leeches.”

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