Woman Wants Specific Gift for Mother’s Day and Also It Must Be a Total Surprise
Conyers, GA—Local mother Julie Andrews is overjoyed to see what her husband gets her for Mother’s Day, and she expressed that sentiment abundantly during our interview with her.
“I’ve been giving my loving husband little hints here and there about what I want,” she told us. “You know, like I showed him this new kayak online that folds up and is portable, so that I can go out by myself sometimes, not have to try and get the step ladder and put a real kayak on the roof, and I said, “This is EXACTLY what I want! THIS THIS THIS!”
Andrews said that her husband seems a little tense, but that she just keeps reminding him that his love is all she ever needs in this life. Also, the the kayak is only $1299, but it isn’t about the money.
“I don’t need anything fancy. I don’t need some jewelry, and flowers are silly, I tell him that all the time,” Andrews remarked. “And he asked me, ‘Ok, so you want the kayak,’ and I said, ‘NO! Get me something that I’d like, but it has to be a surprise.”
Andrews also said that the only thing she wants is that brand new kayak, but it has to be unexpected, or she’ll be very disappointed—who wants a gift when you already know what you’re getting? And flowers are a waste of money, but can you imagine if you were the only mom who didn’t get flowers on Mother’s Day?
She also wants her husband to take her somewhere very fancy to eat and to make her a delightful, homecooked dinner while watching the kids all day so that she can relax while spending quality time with just him.