Millennial Hopes Everyone in Sweden Dies So That People Take Coronavirus More Seriously

Millennial Hopes Everyone in Sweden Dies So That People Take Coronavirus More Seriously

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angry millennial macbook

A local man involved in a heated Facebook exchange has announced that he hopes everyone in Sweden dies so that people take coronavirus more seriously.

“It’s super deadly, and Sweden’s approach is so bad that we can only hope it kills them all and teaches people a lesson,” he posted on a Facebook article about the Scandinavian country’s herd-immunity strategy. The man was also quick to point out that, while he’d previously been really fond of the country’s healthcare model, he had now sworn off their form of socialism.

“Their healthcare isn’t really socialism at all,” his posting went on to say. “We thought it was, but now we realize that it isn’t, and no one should look to that craphole country for guidance. They’re obviously capitalist profiteers. No way Ill visit their little haven for corporatists.”

He especially wanted Boomers to die so that they wouldn’t be so cavalier about their own lives. “They’re the most vulnerable, but they don’t get what a grave threat this is to them. So, yeah, Boomer Doomer please cleanse the place!”

His posting history reveals that he’s wanted Boomers to die for a couple of years, but now it’s out of compassion.

Share your comments, critiques, or criticisms here. [Please note that I alter most the hate comments to make them funnier for the other readers.]